Miz Gooz Berry was established in 1997 by Berry Legg. The brand that started out as a service to coffee shops has changed into a specialised confectionery and catering brand, offering handmade, quality foods that cater to clients of all ages. We have expanded to two branches, namely Gauteng which is owned by Xanthe Weissnar and the Mpumalanga branch in Kaapsche Hoop owned by Berry.
Each branch has its own unique identity, but with the same aim, to service our clients the old fashioned way. Attention to detail, the use of top quality products and a heart of excellence in our service to our clients is of utmost importance.
Our Mission Statement
We challenge the boundaries of the traditional when it comes to design and service. Excellence is a valued attribute amongst the team at Miz Gooz Berry, striving to maintain a consistently high standard of quality and service, which keep our customers coming back time and time again.
Known for our unique chocolate cakes and confections, we keep chocoholics content. We have embraced the changes that have occurred in our client`s dietary requirements and now offer a range of gluten free/ lactose free/ diabetic, as well as raw cakes made from nut and fruit pastes.
We are in a niche market, which caters to the client that loves originality and quality. Our clients' individual dietary requirements are always considered and where possible we will cater for these.
As caterers, we specialize in smaller functions of no more than 100 guests. No function is too small.